جمعرات، 29 جون، 2023
منگل، 27 جون، 2023
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-06-27T16:30:50
پیر، 26 جون، 2023
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-06-26T21:50:43
اتوار، 25 جون، 2023
Grow your business and protect it from being hijacked
Grow your #business and protect it from being hijacked
I went for an excursion to a place where #horses and donkeys were available to climb the mountain and carry the luggage up, when we booked a horse and loaded our luggage on it, the horseman started the journey, and it took some time. Later we came to know that her child was also walking along with the horse.
We asked the owner of the horse, why are you driving him along?
He said that our source of livelihood is our horses, but now we do not depend only on one horse, we also keep their children with us. Prepare for.
If we buy a horse that doesn't have this training, he will be in the same condition as you, panting after every ten steps, heart palpitations,
These foals we have kept together for training,
So many important things were learned from this incident.
The first is that if you run a profitable business and you don't teach your children what you know about business, your children will be left far behind.
Similarly, you run a company and there is a particular employee who brings a lot of profit to your business, what happens if that employee leaves you tomorrow?
Or he asked for half of the profit of the company.
In the same way you run a hotel and people come to your hotel because of a certain dish or food of your chef and you have not left any stunts with that chef and that chef leaves you then you The business was destroyed in a few days.
So, for the #development of your business, always keep the junior with your special employee and the junior learns the work of this special employee.
So that when the time comes, you don't have to blackmail a particular employee or your business doesn't get damaged due to his illness.
Then some seniors don't teach their juniors to work because they feel devalued.
The solution will be in the next post.
اپنے کاروبار کو ترقی دیں اورہائی جیک ہونے سے بچائیں
اپنے کاروبار کو ترقی دیں اورہائی جیک ہونے سے بچائیں
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-06-25T21:01:42
ہفتہ، 24 جون، 2023
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-06-24T15:33:06
جمعہ، 23 جون، 2023
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-06-23T11:18:00
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-06-23T09:48:55
جمعرات، 22 جون، 2023
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-06-22T13:14:06
پیر، 19 جون، 2023
*Mughal Empire*
*Mughal Empire*
It is written in the #history #books. 500 years ago today, a new empire was founded on the subcontinent. Which lasted for 330 years... The name of the king who founded the empire was "Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur". And this #empire was called "Mughlai Empire". The great monuments of this empire like Shahi #Fort #Lahore, #Agra #Taj Mahal, #Badshahi Masjid and many more are still on the top of the maps of the world. Taj Mahal is included in the "Seven Wonders". "Taj Mahal" was built by the fifth ruler of Mughal Empire "Shah Jahan" on the tomb of his beloved #wife. Whose name was Mumtaz. And fourteen (14) #children were born to this beloved wife of Shah Jahan. Seven of them died in childhood. After Shah Jahan, Alamgir took over the reins of government and after #Alamgir, the Mughal Empire declined due to incompetent successors. In 1857, the British completely wiped out the existence of this government. The interesting thing that I want to tell is that Zaheeruddin Muhammad Babur, the founder of this glorious reign that lasted for three hundred and thirty years, tried to attack the subcontinent five times, but he was defeated, and his attacks turned into border skirmishes. Didn't get more status than... But he did not lose heart and finally conquered the Punjab in his sixth invasion and then advancing towards Delhi he defeated the large army of Ibrahim Lodhi at Panipat..and his son Humayun went ahead. Captured Agra and Delhi. And so the Mughal Empire took root and continued to grow. If Babur had given up after the first defeats, then today history would not have had the name of the Mughal Empire in any story. But his continuous and strong courage made history... We also face continuous failure in some occasions and tasks. But instead of sitting down and being discouraged, if we continue to work hard, then some time or the other, such a step will definitely be taken that life will be better... In this post, I have tried my best to be serious instead of joking and not to mention marriage although I could have said that even after constant rejection from home and outside, one should not lose heart and continue efforts for marriage. .. Getting married nowadays is more difficult than founding a big empire. But I am not mentioning marriage in this post, but I am asking to take guidance from Babur's first five failures in other matters like failure in business, failure in exams, failure in relationships etc. If a person dares, nothing can happen.. dare. Generations beautified; life beautified. #Ahmad Mughal Prince Sa...Death due to wealth
A person named "Saalba". Tired of poverty, he came to the #Holy #Prophet (peace be upon him) ...
And he complained to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about his limited hand and requested him to pray for an abundance of wealth for himself.... And said when wealth comes...I will give charity... I will help the #poor... .. He (peace be upon him) prayed... Allah gave this person so much wealth that at first he kept cattle in his own city. But they increased so much that he took up residence outside the city...and he became so busy with this wealth that he gradually left the Friday prayer. Then after some time he also left the daily prayer... But once when he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent the agent to collect Zakat... He replied that there is no tax in religion. When the agent came to the Holy Prophet with this answer, these verses were revealed by #Allah."ومنھم من عھد اللہ لئن آتنا من فضلہ لنصدقن ولنکونن من الصلحین. فلما اتھم من فضلہ بخلوا بہ وتولوا وھم معرضون. فاعقبھم نفاقا فی قلوبھم الی یوم یلقونہ بما اخلفوا اللہ ما وعدوہ وبما کانوایکذبون.(القران)
اتوار، 18 جون، 2023
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-06-18T20:02:45
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-06-18T11:39:13
منگل، 13 جون، 2023
پیر، 12 جون، 2023
*لال بیگی مصالحہ*